What Is Domain Warming? — Why and How It’s Done

by | Aug 8, 2024 | 0 comments

A lot to unpack in that question! But the question’s necessary. Here we’re going to review the benchmarks on what it takes to get domain warming done right, so buckle up. The ride into exceptional email marketing may be a bumpy one, but rest assured: it’s going to be fun, too!

Everything you need to know about domain warming

Free Images : email, newsletter, marketing, online, communication, mail, information, message, envelope, concept, modern, internet, connection, advertising, notification, ecommerce, shopping, emails, yellow, spreading, inbox, diagram, technology ... So what is “domain warming”?

It’s strategically sending small volumes of email from a new domain to “warm it up” for those email providers, ensuring you get into the inbox.

You see, providers like Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo are notoriously paranoid about emails from domains they’re not familiar with (which is why you often see a boatload of emails often dropped into your spam folder). It’s not an accident. And rightly so. The inboxes of Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo justifiably want to protect their users.

Think of your own physical mailbox as a commodity — and if everyone on planet Earth knew what your address was, it would be open season on you —

Before you could blink, you’d have a mailbox overflowing with “junk mail” for no reason. And the fact is for countless years we’ve already been experiencing that.

Ever received that magazine you never subscribed to? Or that flyer on a product you never thought of buying? Junk mail’s not a new thing! It’s been around for a while.

Domain warming, however, seeks to maximize your reputation as a premium sender — not a “junk mailer”

We’re thankful for those email providers, honestly. If the USPS ever had the means to protect mailboxes from east to west, they would. It, of course, would be darn near impossible for the post service to manage all of that (think of all the mailboxes they’d have to keep tabs on).

But since this is the Internet, there’s an advantage: email service providers can. And they should. Hence, as marketers, our reputation as senders to these inboxes is the priority. And the way to do it is by basically “introducing ourselves” to those email service providers, ensuring them all that we’re not spam.

3 things you need to know about domain warming

We know it sounds simple. But it’s not. That’s where Apello comes in. However, being in the know is a great way toward transparency and understanding of how email marketing and the industry itself should work. There are, therefore, three aspects of domain warming to keep in mind:

  • Email sending volume

What is it and what does it mean for me in my business?

  • Email sender reputation

How to gauge it and why you absolutely need to know about it.

  • Email list hygiene

And here’s why “email scrubbing” prevents “spam cavities” from forming.

That’s the trifecta of domain warming

Knowing this about email marketing is basically half the battle. That being said, Apello Warm Up Services can help you further in getting squared away!

Our goals for you are your goals for you. But we also seek to partner with you on the best practices that now matter the most to you when it comes to inboxing into your customers’ or clients’ inboxes!

Click those links above and learn more about what it takes to maximize domain warming for your business.

And when you’re done checking all of that out, then you should click below and see how we at Apello can help you!