How to Be a SERPent in Boosting SEO and Online Reputation

by | Aug 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Crafty and cunning: that’s what ad competition’s like. So no doubt you’ll put your company name and even your own founder at the forefront of your digital campaigns (and you should if you’ve already been reading our stuff!), but just so you know how critical effective SEO is with your online reputation, listen up closely:

Your thousands of ad dollars might also be driving your prospects to your competition!

But why?? Simply put, if your competition’s SEO rankings are actually stronger than yours, your brand may show as an ad on the SERPs, but your competition’s ads will also show — and chances are they’ll show above yours!

You know what that means? Lost opportunities. Lost money.

And your competition and/or affiliates will get your prospective leads, sometimes even without them spending any ad dollars of their own.

Boosting your SEO and online reputation together

Don’t get us wrong: your brand name is essential. But so are your products and services.

List them. Keyword them. Blog about them. Post about them on social.

Dominate the space with the exact name of what those products are, because at the end of the day, if users are searching for vacuum cleaners, teapots, or cereal, they’ll type those exact words in the search box.

If you’re not listing the products you’re promoting and selling, you won’t show for those particular searches at all. Even if your brand’s already well known for those products. With online search and generative AI, no one would ever know the difference. And at the end of the day, users are looking for the solution. If you can tie your brand name to that solution, great! But make sure you’re speaking to the solution — first and foremost!

It takes a cunning SERPent to snatch those leads, though


Which is why Apello can slither its way into those SERPs before your competition runs away with all of the leads. Those are golden eggs for you and your business. Let us help you snatch them up while they’re still incubating.