Getting the Competitive Ad Monkey Off Your Brand’s Back

by | Aug 20, 2024 | 0 comments

Like it or not, but the ad space is cutthroat. So it takes a savvy business owner to traverse the competitive ad landscape without getting weighed down by how other brands will not only compete with you, but even piggyback off of your own company!

But wait a second, isn’t that unethical?

You’re looking at it the wrong way. Your competitors aren’t looking to “steal” your brand name — they’re looking to “compete” with it by listing your name in comparison as a long-tail keyword! It’s no different than a brand doing comparisons on brochures, sales letters or commercials. Companies actually have been doing that sort of thing for years. In fact, Amazon does it today with ads that will trigger whenever someone types in the words: “Adidas shoes”!

So the basic truth is you have to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing. If your tests are showing that a large portion of users searching for a particular brand on Google Search will often click on a competitor’s compelling ad at the top simply because it will show up solely on your company name. That’s lost traffic that should go to your website.

Rule of thumb for the competitive ad space? Run your brand name.

A good portion of your ad sets should have the name of your company or product (if not all of them). It’s about dominating not only the industry or vertical you work in, but the IP you possess. Your competition will still try and rank for their company and offering while tagging your name as the ‘competition’, but as you continue nurturing your reputation organically and paid, chances will be stellar at being at the top of the SERPs as the official website to click on.

Remember that.

Now, of course, it won’t be easy — especially with generative AI ruling cyberspace. And the digital campaign space is a tough nut to crack at times given the fluctuating bids and the limited room for ad space on those SERPs, but with the right resources in play, you’ll get the lion’s share of those clicks if putting your financial foot down. Hard.

Or…. Apello Warm Up Services can manage it for you!


And, like we said, it’s cutthroat. But the good news is we’re like a turtleneck made of iron. Not to mention we have the means to get those competitive ad monkeys off your back. Just click the link below and get a consultation today!