Treating Customer Reviews Like a Deck of Cards

by | Aug 16, 2024 | 0 comments

All those sites customers go on? They’re very much like that — a deck of cards. And AI tends to flip through them with no rhyme or reason on whether they’ll pull an ace.

Or a joker.

These customer reviews are like poker games, actually!

That’s the name of the game with sites like TrustPilot, Glassdoor, or Google Reviews. The fact is unhappy users, customers, and even employers will often vent on those sites the most, and AI will pick them up. Hence you might see a reviews page leveraging generative AI with three negative reviews and nothing positive.

But a site with three negative, two positive, and one neutral review? That’s vastly different!


Here’s what you need to do when managing your brand’s reputation with these random customer reviews….

It’s a 3-step process. Take notes. Focus. And take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay.

Generative AI won’t mess you up much. Your business will be fine. It’ll be a slow burn in working your way up to being in the green even against an avalanche of potential negative reviews.

But you’ll see light at the end of the tunnel, starting off with:

  • Regularly monitoring your websites

Look closely for any moments in comments on how your brand or product gets mentioned. Generative AI will pick up on that. Moreover….

  • Your social networks are a factor, too

In fact, probably more so. Yes, even Facebook posts index on search engines. You know what that means? Generative AI will pick up on what’s written there as well.

  • More importantly, processes to balance out those negative impressions are critical

You’re bound to get negative ones. Remember that. Don’t try and claw for perfection. It never will be. But you, however, can….

  • Always, and I mean always, source out the positive ones

In fact, highlight them. Write about them. Religiously. Give AI those breadcrumbs it loves to munch on, so when other third-party sites leverage the technology, the AI picks up on that.

You, however, will know that when you shuffle that deck of cards….

Apello will have it stacked in your favor!

I mean, it’s not ‘cheating’! Not by a longshot. So don’t worry. We got you.

All you need to do is click below and get a quick consultation about what we can do with your online business reputation.

Go right ahead. No one’s looking.