Here’s Why Your Email Sender Reputation Matters

by | Aug 6, 2024 | 0 comments

Boosting open rates and click rates? Yes. That’s a given. Making sure the emails actually get delivered? That’s a given, too. This is all about domain warming, and no doubt — they’re must-haves for any email marketer.

But wouldn’t you know it…..

None of it matters if your email sender reputation suffers!


Here are some stats for you:

  • The average US professional gets over 120 emails daily
  • If it takes 30 seconds to read just one, that’s an hour to get through all of them
  • More than 40% of all emails are considered spam
  • And if your open rates just happen to be below 10%….

Chances are that’s due to a low email sender reputation score.

So, without a doubt, you’re in an uphill battle!

It’s a hill of avalanches and quicksand at the bottom. How you send, what you send, when you send: all of that stuff matters. Generally speaking, if your emails already receive low opens and few clicks because you’re not sending anything of real value, that will indeed lower your score. And that lower score will snowball into less opens, fewer clicks, and more time in the spam folder.

Chances are you might even face a blacklist where you’ll never gain the trust of those ISPs and ESPs no matter how much value you provide in the emails you send. Because the poor email send history speaks for itself.

Now is it possible to avoid a blacklist? Yes. Is it possible to repair a poor email sender reputation? Indeed, it is. That’s part of what domain warming does. But it will take some time to build it back up.

What you should do is contact….


Those stats can be intimidating. But at the end of the day, with the right service in play, you can make those stats serve you instead of the other way around. Think of email marketing in this way as a science and art form intertwined.

And the Apello Warm Up Centers are your test tube and paintbrush all rolled into one.