The Tale of the Lost Facebook Puppy (or: Don’t Abandon Your Facebook Page)

by | Aug 18, 2024 | 0 comments

Sit down. We’re going to tell you a little story….

Once upon a time, there was this little puppy. And the puppy was lost in the wilderness. The puppy’s name was “Facebook Page.” And “Facebook page” was scared. Afraid of all the shadows. Afraid of not knowing the way. Afraid after being abandoned for so long.

To make it even worse, that same puppy ended up with all sorts of old markings, worn out and lacking luster from all the days of trudging through the woods, hoping for some sign of the horizon. That is…. Until “Facebook Page” found it! And it was a HAPPY DAY!

Hate to break it to you, but an abandoned Facebook page is not a happy day


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At least for you and your brand.

You want to know why?

The fact is prospects reaching out for some information about your business won’t just visit what’s trending on the more updated profiles on Instagram or TikTok (because that’s where all the traffic seems to be going these days).

No, sir. It’s a fact that potential customers — and even generative AI! — will still visit that old Facebook page of yours. And you know what?

Those customers will see how very little it’s been updated

Ask yourself this important question….

What does that tell a customer about your business?

Nothing especially good. In fact, we can call it a negative.

We get it, though…. It’s tasking to keep track of all these social media pages all at once, maintain responses with comments, and keep up with posting updates. Sometimes it’s much like a full-time job just to pay attention to the Facebook or LinkedIn page.

There’s good news, though….


Apello can manage all of that for you. So you don’t have to. It’s critical that you do have that taken care of, mind you, as your profiles on these platforms are essentially an extension of your brand. Neglect it? And it becomes that lost puppy in the woods.

So what are you waiting for? Give your Facebook page a home below.