Online Reputation Best Practice #1: Go With More Than Just Google Alerts

by | Aug 28, 2024 | 0 comments

Now if you do use Google Alerts, bravo. It’s a handy little tool. Essentially, you get notifications whenever someone online mentions your brand (including all the different spellings, too). That also goes for your products and/or services. At the end of the day, if you’re not using Google Alerts, you may be hurting yourself, depending on the industry you’re in. But take note:

Google Alerts is just the beginning!

The fact is online reputation management goes far above and beyond a tool that’s offered on the base level. In a way, it’s sort of like using the Google Keyword Planner: you’re only grazing a fraction of what can be done with online marketing, and the planner’s just the start. For managing your reputation online, Google Alerts just opens the door.

You walk through that door by actively monitoring those mentions, and here’s why:

Google Alerts only works with indexed pages

What does that mean? It means you won’t get any notifications on mentions that occur on social media, forums, or even comments sections on your blog articles. That’s a big chunk of online real estate that should matter to you and your business. It matters to generative AI, too.

Now you could go with other often paid third-party tools to monitor any mentions in the particular spaces Google Alerts won’t see, and it would be worth it. However, we’re going to help you out with some free advice:

Query your brand manually on search. See what happens.

You’ll find that social media pages will index. But you’ll have to research and explore those pages to know what exactly is being posted. The truth is you don’t need to invest in other tools. It’s a nice-to-have! But not necessary. With the right commitment, processes and teams in place to make it all happen for you, you may save a decent amount of money and still manage to cover all your bases.

You do that with Apello Warm Up Services!


Because trying to keep track of the entirety of the World Wide Web and how often your name gets brought up can be a daunting task. And Google Alerts will only do so much. That’s why it’s critical you sign up for a consultation right now and see what we can do for you!