The Online Reputation Management Process: Time to Tap Someone!

by | Aug 30, 2024 | 0 comments

Reputation management isn’t simply about addressing the current review or message as it occurred. It’s also about setting processes in place to ensure that it’ll be taken care of all on its own! Sounds simple, we know…. But it requires one thing —

Someone needs to be in charge of monitoring and reacting to any of those brand mentions!

So tap someone. Delegate. Instill responsibility. Call it a “reward” of placing those expectations. You’ll also need to answer these specific questions when determining that a process needs to be implemented:

  • Who ultimately has the responsibility to monitor and report on any reviews that randomly go live online?
  • What’s the protocol for reacting to any positive mentions in those reviews?
  • What about reacting or responding to any negative comments?
  • Where does content creation support fit within the semantics of these right-related entities?
  • What about monitoring AI tools?
  • Do we know how positive reviews are encouraged (if they are)?
  • Can sales plant any seeds to help grow future positive reviews?
  • Do we consider customer tracking for satisfaction, asking for a review when appropriate?
  • Lastly, what happens if and when there’s a data breach?

Consider all of these questions seriously. In this day and age, online reputation management demands a strategic approach. Assign clear roles, synergistic with multiple divisions. Because the brand image is critical. If no one’s vigilant on how it looks online, no one then knows about it to either nurture it further or conduct damage control in minimizing negativity.

Leverage generative AI as well to manage all of those current and future threats (that you know will crop up). Because, while the online landscape is cutthroat, you can play a smarter game to get ahead.

A tough undertaking, yes, but conceivable


It’s conceivable, how? Apello has your back on helping you cover all the bases. Brand reputation’s our thing. It’ll be all yours as well.